Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Recap!

Hi everyone!

As you can see, my blog has been completely redesigned! It's a new school year and I thought a new look was in order. The summer is winding down and I'm getting ready to move back into school in a few days... so I thought I would do a quick recap of what I've been up to this summer.


I got to visit my friend Charlie! He's in the Army and was stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia. My first trip to the south!

Fort Benning entrance

National Infantry Museum, Columbus, GA

I met my nephew, Ayden, for the first time.

I'm a proud Auntie :)
I got to go to my high school's graduation ceremony!
Congrats Emily and KJ!


I worked. A lot.

I also got to see my little sister get an Academic award for her achievements in French!

Yay, Jessie!

I got to see Colleen while she was in Massachusetts for Fourth of July!
Colleen and I got lunch!
Said goodbye to my friend KJ before she left for CityYear DC.
Emilysx2 and KJ, aka The Breakfast Club
I got to go back to Georgia to help Charlie move! He was being transferred to Fort Lewis in Washington state, so I helped him pack up and accompanied him on the road trip. It was my first chance to see America outside of the east coast and it was absolutely awe inspiring. I think everyone should take a cross country road trip at some point!

Tennessee River

While driving through Kansas, we saw a huge windmill farm. It was beautiful at sunset.

View of California from Klamath Falls, OR


Every year in August, my family takes a vacation to Laconia, NH. We had a great time this year, and I got to spend plenty of quality time with my nephew before I go back to school. When I see him again, it will be Thanksgiving!

Sunset over Lake Winnipesaukeee!

Ayden's rocking his Saint Michael's bib!

While I was up in NH, I got to see my friend and fellow SMCer, Taylor!

Then, most recently, I had to say goodbye to my friend Emily who is off to Loyola Chicago. Sadness :( but I'm so proud of her!

Emily x2
As you can see, it's been a busy summer! But I'm ready to get packed and on my way back north to Vermont! Look for a post soon about surviving Orientation.

Hope you have a great week, everyone!

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